Frequently Asked Questions

  • How does didgUgo work?

    A worker simply uses their phone to scan the client’s or facilities’ unique, didgUgo QR code when attending a job or shift.

    They sign-in, choose the service they are there to perform, and press ‘check-in’. When leaving, they simply press the ‘check-out’ button and leave any handover notes, if needed.

    When scanning a didgUgo QR Code for the first time, new users can register with just their phone number and email address (no password required), verify their account and check-in immediately.

    The process has been optimised to take less than 10 seconds. Critically, we only track activity at a location, not the people, which is why we don’t need users to install a mobile app and don’t track them between jobs. DidgUgo can even work offline!

  • What data is didgUgo storing?

    didgUgo retains the smallest possible data-footprint to avoid data privacy issues. We do not require data to be stored about your sub-contractor organisations.

    Workers are asked to register their mobile number (30 seconds) but those details are never shared directly with anyone. When fully integrated with your rostering or work order management system, we maintain de-identified job and 3rd-party provider details and ‘pass through’ any clinical notes or task lists.

    The contact details of a broker/agency staff member are never disclosed in full with didgUgo customers, because we must preserve their privacy as well as everyone else’s.

  • How do you secure our data?

    At didgUgo, we take information privacy very, very seriously. All traffic is encrypted, only the minimum required data is collected/stored, and customers have the ability to delete any unwanted data at any time.

    All data stays in Australia - didgUgo is hosted across Australia’s leading Cloud Services providers. Regular code audits and penetration tests ensure didgUgo is independently assessed to ensure your data remains inaccessible to anyone but you.

    Complete audit logging is available to admins for every activity that takes place in your environment.

  • How do we get started?

    DidgUgo will be launching soon, and our onboarding program will be used to assist our launch customers get started.

    DidgUgo has training and pro-forma comms prepared to help your staff and suppliers succeed with the new system.

    We also recommend starting your didgUgo use with a small pilot program (by region or at one residential site) to help identify business processes to adjust and staff who will need some extra training.

  • How do we access our data?

    Th didgUgo portal provides admins with easy and modern methods to track and export your organisation’s Check-In/Check-Out history to a CSV file (date filtered).

    Alternatively, organisations with their own integration tools or rostering systems can connect to our API to automatically extract Check-In/Check-Out logs or upload/download QR Code locations in bulk.

    Check-in/Check-out records and Audit Logs are also available in realtime to import into other systems or load into a data warehouse.

  • How much does didgUgo cost?

    You can expect to pay approximately $1.50/bed per month for Residential settings, or $2.25 per month for your clients at home. This will be your base subscription cost and covers all the core features of the platform*. This pricing is subject to change.

    DidgUgo is so affordable for providers, compared to other more complicated ‘visitor management’ systems, because we do not need any special hardware, iPad Kiosks, Tablets, or even a mobile app - all of which inevitably break. We say ‘Keep It Simple’!

    QR Codes are a scalable, low-cost tool to capture exactly the data needed to verify a shift was performed or a service delivered.

    Our analysis shows that didgUgo customers can expect to immediately start saving time and money once they commence their didgUgo rollout, as well as improving compliance and outcomes for the people in their care.

    *DidgUgo subscriptions will include additional charges for the use of SMS messaging and some Enterprise Features and Integrations.

  • How do you prevent fraud?

    DidgUgo runs on a proprietary algorithm which enables us to detect fraudulent activity via a multi-layered framework.

    This combination of technologies includes geo-location checks, Artificial Intelligence pattern detection, secret tokens, metadata analysis, data cross-matching and multi-factor authentication. We do all this without compromising the privacy of our users or their clients.

    People trying to manipulate the system will not even know they have been flagged, as investigations proceed.